Paysack Glossary



This wallet allows credit to be loaded upto INR 10,000/- (INR 1,00,000/- if full KYC) and can be debited only at specific MCCs namely, 5311 - Department Stores 5411 - Grocery Stores, Supermarkets 5441 - Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Stores 5451 - Dairy Products Stores 5462 - Bakeries 5499 - Miscellaneous Food Stores 5811 - Caterers 5812 - Eating Places, Restaurants (Swiggy, FoodPanda, Zomato also here) 5814 - Fast Food Restaurants.


This wallet allows credit to be loaded upto INR 10,000/- (INR 1,00,000/- if full KYC) and can be debited only at specific MCCs namely, 5541 - Service Stations; 5542 - Automated Fuel Dispensers.


This wallet allows credit to be loaded upto INR 10,000/- (INR 1,00,000/- if full KYC) and can be debited without restriction at any POS.


Super Admin

The user account having role as "admin" is able to control the overall operations of Paysack (stage/prod) environment.


The user account having role as "employee" receives funds from company. User cannot self-sign up. User account created by Company admin. User verifies email and mobile. User can self-register kit with basic ID (PAN/AADHAR). User gets access to all enabled wallet (food, fuel, expense etc) subjected to be enabled for the company. User is able to initiate reimburse request (including cash claim) subjected to reimbursement feature enabled for the company. User can do purchase with the help of card kit at POS/Online. User can reset password thru email. User can reset PIN through portal. User can lock/unlock card. User can replace kit if kit replacement is availed subjected to cost paid. User can browse through his transaction history (credit/debit).

Company Admin

The user account having role as "company" deposits funds to PAYSACK. User can self-sign up by registering company. Employee accounts are created by this user. User verifies email to activate company account subjected to approval from Admin user. User cannot register kit for its employees. User gets access to all enabled wallet (food, fuel, expense etc) subjected to be enabled for the company. User is able to review and decide reimburse request (including cash claim) subjected to reimbursement feature enabled for the company. User can disburse credits to enabled wallets of employee. User can reset password thru email. User can block card. User can browse through company transaction history (credit/debit).

Company Employee Account Reviewer

The user account having role as "account_reviewer". User cannot self-sign up. Employee accounts (including KYC verification requests) are reviewed by this user. User cannot register kit for the employees. User can reset password thru email. User can block card.

Company Employee Claim Reviewer

The user account having role as "claim_reviewer". User cannot self-sign up. User cannot register kit for employees. User is able to review and decide but cannot settle reimburse request (including cash claim) subjected to reimbursement feature enabled for the company. User can reset password thru email.

Company Employee Claim Settler

The user account having role as "claim_settler". User cannot self-sign up. User cannot register kit for employees. User is able to settle reimburse request (including cash claim) decided by the claim reviewer subjected to reimbursement feature enabled for the company. User can reset password thru email.


The user account having role as "demo_company". This is an unverified account for company admin.


The user account having role as "demo_employee". This is an unverified account for employee.

Debit Transaction Statuses


The transaction status of merchant transaction record is PAYMENT_SUCCESS when it is received from the Bank (via M2P). This denotes that the debit was successful and wallet is calculated for employee. Employee is notified through Email.


The transaction status of merchant transaction record is PAYMENT_FAILURE when it is received from the Bank (via M2P). This denotes that the debit was not successful and wallet is not calculated for employee.


The transaction status of a transaction (credit/debit) record is PAYMENT_DELETED. This denotes that the transaction is marked as deleted but not removed from Database and wallet is calculated for employee.


The transaction status of merchant transaction record is REVERSED when it is received from the Bank (via M2P). This denotes that the original debit record was successful but later is reversed (credit) by the Bank (via M2P) and wallet is calculated as credit to employee.


The transaction status of a transaction record is OFFLINE_PAYMENT_SUCCESS. This denotes that the transaction is a cash claim required to initiate the reimbursement and wallet is not calculated for employee.

Credit Transaction Statuses


The transaction status of company to employee record is company_reviewed when it is accepted as claim to be reimbursed. Notification is not included here.


The transaction status of company to employee record is company_approved when it is approved as claim but no settlement is done. This is a final state. Notification is not included here.


The transaction status of company to employee record is company_disapproved when it is rejected as claim and comments are recorded by the competent authority. This is not final state. The employee can reclaim from user portal and reinitiate the reimbursement request. Notification is not included here.


The transaction status of company to employee record is internally_approved for amount settlement or funds disbursement. This initiates a communication between PAYSACK and M2P for transfer of funds to employee's expense wallet. Notification is not included here.


The transaction status of company to employee record is disapproved when the claim is disapproved and comments are recorded by the competent authority. This is a final state. The employee cannot reclaim from user portal. Notification is not included here.


The transaction status of company to employee record is pending_submission when the employee had initiated the reimburse request and later deleted (or undo) the same request. The employee can reclaim from user portal and reinitiate the reimbursement request. The Notification is not included here.


The transaction status of company to employee record is pending_approval when a reimburse request is submitted. Notification is not included here.


The transaction status of company to employee record is pending_kit_sync when the communication between PAYSACK and M2P for transfer of funds returns successful. Notification is not included here. Fund is credited to Employee here but the system waits to confirm whether it is recorded in bank db.


The transaction status of company to employee record is failed_kit_sync when the communication between PAYSACK and M2P for transfer of funds returns unsuccessful. Notification is not included here. The system waits to confirm whether it is recorded in bank db. If not recorded, it will wait an interval before re-initiating the transfer of fund comms again. This goes on till 5 attempts and on failure after 5th attempt, it is marked as externally_disapproved and super admin is notified.


The transaction status of company to employee record is approved when the communication between PAYSACK and M2P for transfer of funds returns successful. Pending_kit_sync cycle is completed. The record is available in the bank DB. Employee is notified through email.


The transaction status of company to employee record is externally_disapproved when the communication between PAYSACK and M2P for transfer of funds returns error after 5th attempt. Super Admin is notified


The transaction status of company to employee record is internally_approved_no_kit_attached for funds disbursement if no kit is found attached to the user account. This does not initiate a communication between PAYSACK and M2P for transfer of funds. Notification is not included here. When a kit is registered, all credit transactions marked as internally_approved_no_kit_attached are sent as batch to M2P for processing.


This is a special status flag for credit transaction records to indicate that the employee wallet balance has reached maximum wallet balance limit (i.e. INR 10000 for limited KYC and INR 1,00,000 for full KYC). Whenever the employee makes a debit transaction, the system will check the wallet limit and initiate transfer fund of pending amount in total to M2P.

Reimbursement Actions


The approve button on click, calls the reimbursement api to mark the transaction as "company_approved" and no further action to settle the claim amount is done.


The accept button on click, calls the reimbursement api to mark the transaction as "company_reviewed" which leads to settlement of claim amount but not settled at this state. Here before click, the competent authority can edit the claim amount after reviewing the claim bill and add comment as to why the claim amount was edited.


The settle button on click, calls the reimbursement api to mark the transaction as "internally_approved" which settles the claim amount from company pool to employee wallet. Here before click, the competent authority can edit the claim amount after reviewing the claim bill and add comment as to why the claim amount was edited.


The reject button on click, calls the reimbursement api to mark the transaction as "company_disapproved" and no further action to settle the claim amount is done. The employee can reclaim even after the claim is rejected.


The disapprove button on click, calls the reimbursement api to mark the transaction as "disapproved" and no further action to settle the claim amount is done. The employee cannot reclaim henceforth.